Good news from IJAIS

It was Monday, 27th of April 2015. In early morning I checked my email and I got this message:


Ref: ACCINF_2015_7


International Journal of Accounting Information Systems

Dear Dr. Ali,

I am pleased to inform you that your paper IT INVESTMENT GOVERNANCE: WHAT IS IT AND DOES IT MATTER? meets the standards of International Journal of Accounting Information Systems and has been accepted for publication.

Given that this paper is a revised version of 11-52R2 that was given a conditional accept by the previous editor, we decided that we (the current two joint editors) would consider this revised version and your response to the minor changes required by the previous editor before deciding whether or not to send it out again to reviewers. We have read the paper and the responses to the reviewers and we both agree that the paper should be accepted for publication in IJAIS without further review. Congratulations.”


I was very excited with the news! After all the hard works and time spent with the other coauthors from QUTBS (Peter Green) and UQBS (Alastair Robb), we finally managed to publish the article. Now it’s in the final editing process before IJAIS publish the online version on their website. IJAIS is a top-tier journal for accounting information systems discipline (along with Journal of Information Systems [JIS] published by American Accounting Association). According to ABDC journal quality list, IJAIS is an ‘A’ journal.

To a great extent, this result was a fruit of my two weeks visit at the School of Accountancy QUTBS. As I mentioned in the previous posting, during the two weeks visit I had enough time to re-revise the paper and discuss it with the other colleagues.

I hope I will get more time to prepare another papers for future publications!



Tidak ada waktu untuk publikasi ???

Tugas mengajar yang terlalu banyak ditambah tugas administratif di fakultas ternyata membuat saya harus mengorbankan tugas penelitian dan publikasi. Tidak terasa hampir 2 tahun saya kembali dari studi PhD, namun sampai dengan saat ini belum ada satupun publikasi yang bisa saya hasilkan. Bahkan saking banyaknya tugas-tugas di atas, paper yang sudah conditionally accepted pun terpaksa tidak bisa dipublikasi.

Di bawah ini adalah screen-shot email Congratulation dari Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (IJAIS). Di email tersebut sang editor mengucapkan selamat kepada saya karena paper yang saya submit sudah diterima namun perlu ada beberapa revisi sebelum dapat dipublikasikan.

Sedikit informasi tentang IJAIS. IJAIS adalah paper yang prestisius (, termasuk jurnal dengan ranking A untuk bidang ilmu sistem informasi akuntansi (

Untuk sampai mendapat email tersebut di bawah, dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 tahun dan 3 kali resubmit-revise-resubmit.

Di saat saya mendapat email tersebut, saya dalam proses kembali ke Indonesia untuk aktif mengajar di fakultas. Karena begitu banyaknya tugas mengajar dan tugas administratif lainnya, saya tidak ada waktu untuk melakukan revisi dan resubmit yang ke-4 kalinya. Setahun berlalu dan akhirnya sang editor IJAIS pun bilang kalau mereka tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi dan memutuskan untuk membatalkan keputusan mereka.

Saya tetap diminta untuk merevisi dan men-submit paper tersebut, namun mereka akan men-treat paper tersebut sebagai a new submission paper.

Itulah sedikit kisah betapa challenging-nya publikasi paper di Indonesia. Saat ini saya dalam proses merevisi dan men-submit ulang paper tersebut ke IJAIS. Ini dimungkinkan karena saya ada waktu 2 minggu sebagai visiting fellow di School of Accountancy, QUT Business School. Otherwise, saya tidak bisa, karena semester ini saya mengajar banyak kelas dan juga tugas administratif lainnya.

IJAIS-screen shot (2)



A Visiting Fellow

It’s a great opportunity for me to be able to come to the School of Accountancy, QUT Business School as a visiting fellow. Even though it’s a short visit (2 weeks only, from 14 to 27 March 2015), I found this visit beneficial for me as a researcher.  I can spend my time in preparing draft papers for journal submissions with my colleagues here in SoA QUTBS, Prof Peter Green. I also met and discuss potential future research collaboration with Dr Andrew West (in accounting ethics and education), Dr Ogan (in cloud computing), and Dr Acklesh (in IT governance and cloud computing). In relation to the visiting fellow, I’ll present a paper at the school’s research seminar which will be held at 27th of March 2015. I hope I can get many feed-backs from the audiences so that I can improve the paper. Hopefully I can continue researching and publishing papers once I get back to my institution in Indonesia, FEB UGM.